We need to cultivate self-awareness to recognise our patterns and keep showing up to do our best to rewire those that don’t serve us.
We need to cultivate self-awareness to recognise our patterns and keep showing up to do our best to rewire those that don’t serve us.
We’ve all been in Maya’s shoes where we overdo and stretch ourselves and simply want to unplug and turn off.
This reflection is followed by a slew of questions:
How do I know what is it if not this?
Are you the passive victim of your life’s circumstances or do you view yourself as the active creator of your life? More often than not the answer is the former.
You start your day well, but suddenly something unexpected or untoward happens, and you are entirely out of your funk. One bad thought leads to another like a dominoes effect, and before you know it, you feel like sh*t and find yourself wondering how it all transpired.
A few weeks back when I asked people on Instagram, what do they crave most and are missing in their lives? Not surprisingly, the answer was – connection. We are not permitted to socialize to the extent we used to . The only respite we had was technology helped us to still have conversations.
I’ve had the habit of expressing through writing from a young age but it’s not until recently that I discovered the potency of it. When I started journaling, it was a release for me, a means to express, vent, let it out of my system – the thoughts, the emotions, the triggers, the reactions, the damages, the grief, the loss, the conflicts, the heartbreaks – everything.
Do you take time out at the end of each day to reflect on how your day progressed? To evaluate how you navigated through the day’s challenges, to celebrate your victories, acknowledge your challenges and learn your lessons.
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
This Episode Features:
Prasad Rangnekar on why we need Conscious Rest
Deepa Swamy on recognising and overcoming burnout