Discover the power of self-accountability, the significance of lifelong learning, and the distinction between change and true transformation. Tune in to gain insights that ignite personal evolution and empowerment.
Discover the power of self-accountability, the significance of lifelong learning, and the distinction between change and true transformation. Tune in to gain insights that ignite personal evolution and empowerment.
Do you take time out at the end of each day to reflect on how your day progressed? To evaluate how you navigated through the day’s challenges, to celebrate your victories, acknowledge your challenges and learn your lessons.
Have you ever told yourself, “I’ll practice Yoga after my kids grow up or my next raise/promotion, or after retirement?” because you don’t have enough time or energy in your busy schedules to spend on the mat twisting left and right? What if I told you there was a way to practice Yoga without interrupting your busy schedules and benefit from it?
Do you take time out at the end of each day to reflect on how your day progressed? To evaluate how you navigated through the day’s challenges, to celebrate your victories, acknowledge your challenges and learn your lessons.
As a kid I hated being a girl. I thought it was way too complicated to be a girl. You had the weight of so many expectations, everyone had an opinion on how you should sit, eat, walk, talk. Not to mention the endless restrictions of what you could do or couldn’t.
You’ve heard me talk about intentional living and living life by design many times. But how exactly does one do that? If you’ve wondered that too, this episode will give you 6 steps and a bonus step on how you can create your life by design.
It might be challenging to know where to start living life by design when we’ve been sleepwalking and living life on autopilot for years together.
I’ve always said this personal growth is not accidental; it’s intentional. To continue walking the path of personal growth and development, we must intentionally pause, reflect on our actions, and re-align our way forward.
Today, we will talk about the signs you need to look out for to realise if you’re living life on autopilot and how you can reconnect and realign your life to lead richer and fuller lives.
As adults, responsibility is not a new concept. We were forced to accept responsibility as the unwanted gift thrust on us when we entered the real world after our education. So we take responsibility on critical matters, where we stand to lose face in front of our colleagues, mentors, boss, society, and other external stakeholders.