We need to cultivate self-awareness to recognise our patterns and keep showing up to do our best to rewire those that don’t serve us.
We need to cultivate self-awareness to recognise our patterns and keep showing up to do our best to rewire those that don’t serve us.
We need to cultivate self-awareness to recognise our patterns and keep showing up to do our best to rewire those that don’t serve us.
We’ve all been in Maya’s shoes where we overdo and stretch ourselves and simply want to unplug and turn off.
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
Do you take time out at the end of each day to reflect on how your day progressed? To evaluate how you navigated through the day’s challenges, to celebrate your victories, acknowledge your challenges and learn your lessons.
This Episode Features:Rashmi Shetty on the ability to withdraw ourselves.Shilpa Ajwani on turning breakdowns to breakthroughs
This Episode Features:
Prasad Rangnekar on why we need Conscious Rest
Deepa Swamy on recognising and overcoming burnout